Season program for the Grand Opera in 1907. The San Carlo Opera Company performed three different operas over the course of two days including a matinee performance. La Gioconda was performed April 2. Puccini's La Boheme was performed in the afternoon of April 3. Alice Nielsen was a principal performer in La Boheme. Carmen was performed in the evening of April 3.
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Elaborate waists for Grand Opera The keynote of the fashionably dressed woman's wardrobe is the elaborate waist; and the woman who is also fastidious demands an artistic design as well. Waists from Bartholomew's are especially notable for the combination of these two vital requirements in the highest degree. They give the wearer that comfortable, well-dressed feeling so necessary for thorough enjoyment of opera, the . theater, etc. In the richest of silks—also lingerie—at. prices ranging up to $38.00. The Bartholomew Company "The House of Tone" 392 WASHINGTON STREET Be up-to-date and purchase your millinery at Le Palais Royal 376 Washington street, Columbia Bldg. Phone Mala The Company will kindly patronize Advertisers. Grand Opera The San Carlo Opera Company Mr. Henry Russell, Managing Director TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 2, AT 7:45 "La Gioconda" CAST Enzo Sig. Constantino Barnaba Sig. Fornari Madame Marie U. Zeitfuchs MILLINER, MODISTE AND CORSETIERE FRENCH MILLINERY We make Man-Tailored Costumes, Fancy Gowns, Riding Habits, Skirts, Waists, etc. We sell the "Gossard" Front Lacing Corsets. Phone Main 5494. 386 WASHINGTON STREET Ye Rathskeller Grille^ In the new "HOTEL OREGON," comer Seventh and Stark Sts. Open from 6 A. M. to 1 A. M. Handsomest and Best Appointed Grille in the West AFTER THEATER PARTIES A SPECIALTY Orchestra from 0 to 12 P. M. Arrangement, Decorations, Refreshments and Music all in perfect harmony. A Great Fair In aid of the Actors' Fund of America Will he held at the Metropolitan Opera House New York ENTIRE WEEK May 6 to 11 This splendid charity expends over $40,000 annually to relieve sick and disabled players, and maintain worn-out veterans at the Actors' Fund Home. It's disbursements in 25 years have exceeded One Million Dollars. Send contributions and suggestions to Actors' Fund Fair Committee 1440 Broadway, New York WILLIAM M. RASMUS 1 The Western Academy School of Acting Offers its pupils more thorough Instruction, greater advantages and lower rates of tuition than any similar institution in the West. Public performances given monthly by pupils of the school. Mulkey building, corner of Second and Morrison streets. J. ADRIAN EPPING, Principal. Fay a "Visit to Marquan Grand Barber Shop Corner Sixth and Morrison Sts. And See Phil. The Mirror Barber Shop Cor. Second and Washington Sts. Positively the Finest on the Coast. "II Trovatore" on the Victor You may hear a ^.omplete Opera at your home The Victor Company, to which the public naturally always looks, not only for the begt records, but for novelties of every kind, now presents the first complete opera to be recorded for the talking machine. This series, which consists of twenty parts, was recorded in Milan, Italy, the home of Italian opera, and enlists the services of the principals and chorus of the Ha Scala Opera House. "These records may he played on any make of disc talking machine, but are best when played on THE VICTOR TALKING MACHINE. The public is cordially invited to listen to these remarkable records. Sherman, Clay St Co. STEINWAY DEALERS COR. SIXTH AND MORRISON STREETS Le Palais Royal—Cloaks, Suits, Millinery 375 Washington street, Columbia Bldg. Best Goods—Lowest Prices CAST Alvise Sig. Segurela Zuane Sig. Valentini Gioconda Mine. Lillian Nordica Lzura Mme. Monti-Baldini La Cieca Mme. Conti-Borlinetto Tseppo Sig. Ghidini Un Cantore Sig. Pulcini LAST ACT—A light lunch at Jack Coffman's. Everett Piano Used VAN DYCK HAVANA CIGARS for Smokers of Refined Taste Only Knapp-relt De Luxe Hats Are for the discriminating—those for whom the best is none too good Felt De Luxe Hats Are Six Dollars M. SICHEL 329 Washington Street, Imperial Hotel Building Hats in a class by themselves CRITICS COMPLIMENT COMPETITOR. OPY PRALEY'S HIGH -CLASS MODERATE - PRICED MILLINERY 214 Third Street, Cor. Salmon "La Gioconda" has a plot which is rather involved, but which, reduced to its main elements, may be summarized as follows: In Venice, 250 years ago, there was a street singer of jolly mien, dubbed '' La Gioconda,'' who was beloved by Barnaba, a state spy, though Gioconda feels the same affection fior Enzo, a Genoese noble, masquerading as a Venetian boat cap- The Louvre Restaurant and Cafe In Connection With The Belvidere Hotel Music from 6 to 8 p. m. and from 9:30 to 12 p. m. Corner Fourth and Alder Streets Best Seeds For The West Send your orders to a house that understands western conditions and you will get satisfaction. Portland, Seed Co. Toledo, Wash. Gentlemen: My order of seeds arrived in good condition. Many thanks for the extra packets of nice seeds. Mrs. L. McLaughlin Our new 100 page Annual Seed Planter's Guide tells all. It's up^to-date and full of good things. Ask for book No. 160 Portland Seed Co. Portland, Oregon Spokane, Wash. The Theatre and Then The Hazelwood Cream Store Henry WeinharcU city Brewery Portland's Favorite Beer LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE BREWERY IN THE NORTHWEST Bottled Beer a Specialty Phone Main lit Portland Riding Club W. G. BROWN, Manager. SADDLE HORSES AND CARRIAGES INSTRUCTIONS IN RIDING A , SPECIALTY 505 Alder St., Cor. Lownsdale SPRING MODELS THE FORSYTHE WAIST the waist that's always stylish HEWETT, BRADLEY & CO. 344 WASHINGTON STREET The circulation of this Program each night is larger than the circulation of any weekly, excepting the weekly newspaper. tain. Alvise, chief of the Venetian nobles, saves Gioconda from a rabble, and the latter, in turn Saves his wife, Laura, from the machinations of Barnaba. Enzo's nationality is discovered and he is imprisoned. Alvise charges his wife with love for Enzo, and commands her to take poison, but she substitutes a narcotic. In the last act Gioconda reunites Laura and Enzo, and commits suicide rather than submit to the embraces of Barnaba. Perfect Likeness Assured. Clltberth, Photographer LUCERNE STUDIOS Dekum Building, Provident Building, Portland, Oregon. Tacoma, Wash. Money to Loan For the benefit of my customers I have decided to establish at my offices the Eastern method of holding goods pawned for six months before making disposition of same. My offices are positively the only ones in Oregon that show such consideration for their customers, always adding new methods and up-to-date pawnbroking principles. Every Loan made at my offices is strictly confidential. ASHEE'S LOAH OFFICE, 242 FIRST STREET. ASHER'S ROAR BARE, 62 THIRD STREET. OREGON ROAR OFFICE, 30 R. THIRD STREET. We sell the kind of Cars that everybody "swears by" instead of "at" NORTHWESTERN DISTRIB - UTORS FOR - POPE TOLEDOS FRANKLINS OLDSMOBILES BUICKS POPE HARTFORDS POPE TRIBUNES POPE WAVERLYS THOMAS 60-H. P. THOMAS 40-H. P. H. L. Keats Auto Co. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES Olds Gas- and Gasoline Engines. Pintsch Suction Gas Producers. 80 and 82 Seventh Street Food for Thought Served Piping Hot Front The HARRY WOOD MARKET CO. FIRST AND ADDER STREETS—ON THE CORNER When Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle," he aimed to reach the public's heart, hut, hy accident, hit 'em in the stomach. When we write our daily message to Portland folk, we aim to reacR their head—that part of it we term the "think," where the "gray matter" reposes. If we make our aim true, we're pretty certain to reach the stomachs of the readers with our meats. We prefer the logic of TRUTH to pleading for trade. "Any person who takes into his stomach food unfit for consumption, prepared under the direction of unscrupulous; commercial pirates, deserves the poisoning he gets"— says Sinclair. When you huy meats at the HARRY WOOD MARKET you know what you're getting—healthful, wholesome, Government-inspected meats. Can you better these prices? The meats are Oregon's BEST: TEAL. BEEF. Choice Brisket.................. 4c Choice Necks to Boil ............ 4c Choice Stew Meats .............. 4c Pine Kidneys................... 5c Corned Beef..................... 6c Choice Shoulder Roast........... 7c Choice Pot Roast................ 7c Choice Shoulder Steak............ 7c Round Steak, juicy and tender... 8o Choice Rump Roast.............. 8c Hamburger Steak ............... 8c Tripe ............................ 8c Loin Steak......................10c Sirloin Steak ..................121/2c Small Porterhouse .............121/2c Fancy Porterhouse ............121/2c Rib Steak .....................121/2c Fancy "T" Bone...............121/2c Delicious Rump Roast..........121/2c Delicious Deg Roast............121/2c Delicious Rib Roast............121/2c Juicy Cutlets..................121/2c Veal Shanks, broth............... 6c Veal for Stew.................. 8c Breast of Veal.................10c Shoulder Roast..................10c FORK. Legs of Pork...................121/2c Pickle Pork ...................121/2c Side Pork .....................121/2c Pork Shoulder Roast...........121/2c Pork Chops...................121/2c SUNDRIES. Brains ..........................10c Mixed Sausage.................. 10c Hams...........................17c Breakfast Bacon................17c Pork Hocks ..................... 8c New Spring Woolens All the latest designs and colorings known to the weaver's art in Fine Foreign and Domestic Fabrics for Gentlemen's Garments to order. WK. JERREMS SONS. Proprietors; F. F. BOODY, Manager NO. 108 THIIRD STREET Canned PREFERRED STOCK THEY 'RE PERFECTION ALLEN LEWIS WEDNESDAY MATINEE, APRIL 3, AT 2:00 P. M. Puccini's "La Boheme" CAST Mimi Miss Alice Nielsen Musetta Mile. Fely Dereyno Rodolfo Sig. Constantino ON EASY PAYMENTS AT LE5S THAN ELSEWHERE fOR CASH! MARX 6 BLOCH, 74 3rd, near Oak Commercial Hotel 488 WASHINGTON STREET. Opposite Heilig Theater. MODERN CONVENIENCES. RATES REASONABLE. AUTOMOBILES Now is the time to seriously consider the!; Purchase Stevens-Duryea, $2,650 20 H. P.—The Ideal Family Car Royal Tourist . . $4,150 45 H. P. —The Big, Roomy Seven - Passenger Touring Car COOK MOTOR CAR CO. Garage, Salesroomland Repair£Shop3t-saKas<E; Fifteenth and Washington Streets Real Estate Investments, Rental, Loan and Insurance Agency PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. 250 ALDER STREET. ESTABLISHED 1872 Portland, Oraso*. .St. Helens Hail A Girls' School f the highest lass. Corps of Teachers. Location, sulldlng, equipment the best. Fall tana opens lap. 17 Send for catalogue. CHESTERFIELD Ml!** CLOTHES!* tm * * R. M. GRAY, 269-271 morrison st. CAST Marcello Sig. Angelini Fornari Colline Sig. de Segurola Schaunnard Sig. Pulcini Benoit Sig. Barocchi Alcindore Sig. Perini Parpignol Sig. Ghidini LAST ACT—Let's go to Jack Coffman's. Everett Piano Used New Exclusive Designs Now ready for Shirt Waists, Novelties and Lingerie Orders taken for all kinds of Embroidery The Needlecraft Shop, 382 Washington St. $1.00 per Month Keeps your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed and Shoes Shined. Unique Tailoring Co. Main 514 309 Stark Street Fook,Sang&Co. Chinese Hand-Made Jewelry to Order. All kinds of Chine s e genuine "Jade Stones," Gold Seal Rings. 231 Alder St., Portland. Jay Yu Chong, Manager. Le Palais Royal The Exclusive Ladies Furnishing Goods Shop Tailor-Made Suits, Coats, Shirts Waists and MILLINERY Latest Styles, Reliable Goods at Lowest Prices 375 WASHINGTON STREET Telephone Main 6063 lotion Roller Skating NINETEENTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS The Greatest Indoor Amusement in the World MADE IN oREGON Portland Trunk Mfg. Co., Cor. Third and Pine Sts. Branch Store, 107 Sixth Street AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Autos at All Hours—Day Phone, Main 692; Night Phone, Main 1656 the white agency, The Oldest Automobile House in the]City Cor. Second and Salmon Streets The best dressed ladies shop at Le Palais Royal, 375 Washington street WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, AT 7:45 "Carmen" CAST Don Jose Mons. Martin Escamillo Sig. Galperini "Pianos of Highest Quality" Note the word "highest." We use it advisedly. There are many kinds of quality in the piano business—poor quality, ordinary quality, good quality, etc. But at Eilers we handle only instruments of the very highest quality, and we sell them at prices which cannot be eaualed elsewhere. EILERS PIANO HOUSE "The House of Highest Quality" NEW NUMBER—353 WASHINGTON STREET Signor Lucchesi Farewell Benefft Concert at the WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT HALL Corner Tenth and Taylor Streets Monday Evening, April 8th, 1907 ' TICKET $1.00 Tickets on sale: Sherman, Clay & Co., Graves' Music Store, Eilers' Piano House, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.. Olds, Wortman & King, Meier & Prank Co., Rowe & Martin, Hotel Portland Pharmacy. Bee man's Original Pepsin Gum CURES INDIGESTION AND SEA-SICKNESS MILLINERY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL M. L. HUNT, Prop. 380 WASHINGTON STREET. Corner West Park Telephone Main 406 "LEAH KLESHNA" ADMIRABLY PRESENTED BY THE BAKER THEATER COMPANY. It was a genuine revelation to the local theater-goers when the Baker company made its first appearance Sunday afternon in Mrs. Eiske's phenomenal success, "Leah Kleshna." This is conceded to he one of the greatest plays of recent times., and owing to its psycological nature one of the most difficult to present. Those who recalled the magnificent performance given by Mrs. Fiske and her splendid company two years ago were inclined to wonder what kind of a showing the Baker organization would make against the all-star cast which appeared in the great McLellan play. The first performance was, however, sufficient to dissipate all doubt in that direction. It was a complete artistic triumph for the company as a whole, and those who played the leading roles in particular. Lillian Lawrence fairly amazed even her most ardent admirers by the remarkably fine characterization of Leah, Mrs. Fiske's old role, while Edgar Baume, as Paul Sylvian; Donald Bowles, as Raoul, the absinthe fiend; James Gleason, as Shram, the thief, and Arthur Maekley, as Old Kleshna, are doing the finest work of the season. Manager Baker has fairly outdone himself in producing Leah Kleshna, the scenery being fully up to the Fiske standard. No discriminating player-goer can afford to miss this week's great performance. Now on Exhibit Trimmings, Laces and Novelties Direct from Paris Miss Potteiger, Modiste Successor to Madame McLure Co. Marquam Building CAST II Danedro Sig. Barocchi II Remendado Sig. Giaconne Zuniga Sig. Perini Carmen Mile. Fely Dereyne Morales Sig. Pulcini Micaela Mile. Tarquini Frasquita Mile. Perego Mercedes Mile. Lucianne LAST ACT—Let's go to JacK Coffman's. Everett Piano Used ALLEN&LEWIS Mace's Market 151 Fourth Street Cor. Morrison ThejrPortland Hotel Palm Room Herr Waldemar Lind and the Portland Hotel Orchestra Every Evening, except Sunday 8:30 until 12:30 p. m. H. C. BOWERS DUN LAP SPRING HATS (NOW ON SALE You know the Quality . . We promise you one of the most Pleasing Shapes you ever saw Robinson & Co. Hotel Perkins Building EXECUTIVE STAFF Mr. Henry Russell Director Mr. Nat Roth Business Manager Mr. H. G. Snow Advance Representative Mr. Charles Fourton Treasurer Mr. M. E. Lezard Representative Mr. Randolfo Barocchi Secretary PREFERRED STOCK CANNED GOODS -THEY'RE PERFECTION-GLASS GOODS MOTOR SUPPLIES Motor Cycles Bicycles We Carry the Largest Line of These Goods in the West. 1907 Stock Arriving Call and look us over Ballon & Wright, 86 Sixth Street Opposite New Wells-Fargo Block. HERE is a lot of satisfaction in building a gown over a graceful figure. Over the above-named corsets we can make you a gown with that elegance of grace and style so much desired by womankind. For Sale by Miss Potteiger, Modiste Successor to Madam McClure Company Marquam Building Exclusive Laces from Paris on Exhibition #1 The Lutke Manfacturing Co. Manfacturers of every description of Show Oases, Jewelers' and Druggists' Wall Oases Bank and Store Fixtures 140-146 NORTH SIXTH STREET PORTLAND, ORE. D. CHAMBERS Optometrist VISION SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECTED ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED 129 SEVENTH STREET STAGE STAFF Luigi Albertieri Stage Director Antonio Muschietto Assistant Stage Director Signor Terragnoulo Chorus Master G. Noblet Machinist William Neel Electrician Walter Hearn Master of Transportation Newton Mitchell Master of Properties PHOTOGRAPHER On the top floor of. the Elks' Hall, Seventh and Stark Street. For the Latest Novelties in Spring Suitings MERCHANT TAILOR 402 WASHINGTON STREET Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits a Specialty Clever Actress \ Will Present ''The Straight Road" at This Theatre Blanche Walsh, following her successful season at the Astor Theatre, New York, is to make a brief tour and will he seen here soon in Clyde Fitch's newest play, "The Straight Road." The metropolitan critics have been unanimous in the verdict that this play is Clyde Fitch's greatest, that Miss Walsh has scored a tremendous personal success, and that Managers Wagenhals & Kemper have staged the play in the most sumptuous manner, surrounding Miss Walsh with a remarkable, company. The production will he seen at this theatre April 4, 5 and 6 exactly as presented at the Astor Theatre. "The Straight Road" is said to he a delightful melange of dramatic situations, in which Miss Walsh's irresistible emotional power shines resplendent. In commenting on the play, the New York Herald said: "It is a stirring play of human emotions." The New York Press said: "One of the most remarkable plays New York has seen in many years." The New York World said: "Best emotional acting Miss Walsh has ever done, and no actress, not even Mrs. Carter, could excel her in it." New York Sun said: "Powerful and Convincing throughout. Intensely dramatic situations." The Telegraph said: "Smart, brilliant and daringly original." The New York Post said: "The realism of Miss Walsh is undeniable." The Evening World said: "It is a live throbbing thing." Seat sale opens Tuesday, April 2, 1907, at box office, this theatre. At This Theatre Sffi April 7th The Swedish Dramatic Co. --In the Musical Comedy- Anderson, Peterson and Lundstrom Beautiful Costumes : Special Scenery (In the Swedish Language) Seats on Sale at This Theatre ::::::: Friday, April 5th At This Theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday April 8, 9 and 10, '07 (Matinee Wednesday) Leibler & Co. present Madge Carr Cook in Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Seats on sale Friday, April 5th, at Box Office This Theatre. At This Theatre Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 11, 12, 13, '07 (Matinee Saturday), John Philip Sousa's New Comic Opera, 77ie Free Lance, with Joe Cawthorne and Jeanette Lowerie. Big Cast and Chorus. Augmented Orchestra. Seat sale Tuesday, April 9th.
- 20 pages
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Public domain (this work is believed to be free of known restrictions under copyright law).
- XXtxt_000014
April 2, 1907
Wrong theatre
The Heilig Theatre was not yet built in 1907. These performances must have been at a different theatre.
RE: Wrong theatre
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