Concert program for the fourth annual May Concert of The Portland Fest-Chor directed by Herman Hafner. More than 200 voices, seven of Portland's best soloists, and a large Fest-Chor Orchestra performed Swiss and German songs and music.
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FOURTH ANNUAL MAY CONCERT of The Portland Fest-Chor HERMAN HAFNER, Director Saturday Evening, May 11, 1929 eight o'clock Municipal Auditorium Portland, Oregon Steinway Piano used by courtesy of Sherman, Clay & Co. Portland Fest-Chor BOARD OF DIRECTORS—Judge Jacob Kanzler, President. Sam Hafner, Vice-president. Walter Werz, Secretary. Miss Ella Bruening, Treasurer. Carl Nau, Trustee. COMMITTEE MEMBERS—Mrs. Helen Fromme-Schedler, Mrs. Christena Rittel, Mrs. John Raz, Gus. Gubler, Ernest Hunziker, August Hochscheid, Jack Zeller, F. J. Pohs, Geo. Schobel, Albert Moessner, Gustav Ringsleben. HISTORY AND PURPOSE OF PORTLAND FEST-CHOR Following the North Pacific Sangerfest in Portland, Oregon, summer of 1925, when thousands of music lovers assembled in our city to combine their strength in honor of Swiss and German song and music, the desire arose to offer the citizens of Portland the same high type of music on the same large scale at least once a year as a Sangerfest can bring only every ten years. Thus the Portland Fest-Chor was founded to perpetuate wonderful music for coming generations. After Madame Schumann-Heink had helped to make the 1925 Sangerfest a big success, the Portland Fest-Chor was fortunate enough to secure the Moser Brothers—Swiss yodlers—for the first May Concert in 1926. Results were beyond expectations. The second big concert, May 1927, saw a Chorus grown in numbers and quality of voices and the engagement of Madame Tilda Rohr— famous Swiss contralto. After the third annual May Concert 1928 the Portland Fest-Chor looked back on another year of constant progress. In cooperation with Madame Gertrude Weidemann this concert was artistically a complete success. Our next concert will present a Chorus of more than 200 voices better trained than ever—seven of Portland's best Soloists—and a large Fest-Chor Orchestra. Edelweiss Harmony (Women's Chorus) Helvetia Sanger Club(Swiss Male Chorus) ORGANIZATIONS OF PORTLAND FEST-CHOR Mrs. John Raz, President. Mrs. Anna Sonnekes, Vice-President. Mrs. Margaret Brugger, Secretary. Miss Ella Bruening, Treasurer Ben Hofmann, President. E. Zeller, Vice-President. Kuno Storch, Secretary. Jacob Kurath, Treasurer. Portland Liedertafel (Male Chorus) Gustav Ringsleben, President. F. Rasmussen, Vice-President. William Herzog, Secretary. Henry Pfeifer, Treasurer. Singing Section of Portland Turnverein (Mixed Chorus) Mrs. Marie Feustel, President. Mrs. Josephine Adleff. Vice-President. Mrs. Giepner, Secretary. Mrs. Cath. Engel, Treasurer. A. Hochscheid, Director. DONORS TO MAY CONCERT M. Amacher P. Armbruster Wm. Bartels Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Beerli Wilhelm Burbach Herman Berger Theo. Bergman Mfg. Co. A. E. Clark, Attorney Olga Ruff-Carter Ex cell Bakery Fritzi Dunlap Henry Engel German Sport Club Hans Giepner Paul Gengenbach "Wilhelm B. Gruber Charles Hess Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Kuehnhausen G. A. Kasper Judge Jacob Kanzler Kautz Mfg. Co. Lehl & Popp, Grocers Albert Moessner Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Hunziker Ben Hoffman Wm. Kakritz George Krieg Kern & Kibbe Contractors Mr. and Mrs. Rose City Dairy Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rittel Mr. and Mrs. Rassmussen Mr. and Mrs. Reuter Gustav Ringsleben Mrs. John Raz Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hafner H. O. Hausermann John Matthiesen Stephan Mollner Judge Robert G. Morrow Niklas & Son, Florists The Nachrichten Wanda Paulbach Otto Schumann E. K. Stork Stein's Bakery Mrs. Sonnekes Helen Frome-Schedler George Schobel Sigfried Schmid C. T. Steinlein Wm. Volz West Coast Nat'l Bank Walter Werz Bertha Wagner Monty Zeller PROGRAM 8:15 o'Clock P. M. 1. Dem Genius der Tone (To the Genius of Music)......Moor CANTATA FOE SOPRANO SOLO, MALE CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA HELEN FROMME-SCHEDLER, Soloist 2. a. Still as the Night (Still wie die Nacht).....................Bohm b. Abendstandchen (Lullaby)..........................................Schiefold WOMEN'S CHORUS 3. Address by the President of the Portland Fest-Chor ........................................................................Judge Jacob Kanzler 4. Group of German Folksongs: a. Ich wollt mein Liebe (I Would That My Love)............ ............................................................................................Mendelssohn b. 0 schone Zeit (Oh, Happy Days).....................C. Goetze CHRISTENA RITTEL AND WILLIAM BARTELS c. Die Lorelei....................................................................................Silcher d. Heidenroslein..................................._......................................Werner e. Verlassen (Forsaken)..................................................Koschat MALE CHORUS 5. a. Leise flehen meine Lieder.............................................Schubert b. Wenn ich ein Voglein war'....._................................. Schumann MRS. ELFRIEDE SCHNURBUSCH and MRS. A. K. HOUGHTON Viola Lindquist at the Piano 6. Hymne an die Musik......................................................A. M. Schuff WOMEN'S CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA 7. On the Sea....._..............................................................................................Buck MALE CHORUS 8. a. Say Once Again I Love You..........................................Donizetti b. Mys Schatzeli (My Sweetheart)..................Schneeberger OLGA RUFF-CARTER and MURRY D. CARTER Bonnie Replogle at the Piano 9. Fruhling und Sommer (Spring and Summer)........................ ...................................................................................................... Attenhofer CANTATA FOR MIXED CHORUS, SOPRANO SOLO AND ORCHESTRA a. Introduction: MALE CHORUS b. Lied des Fruhlings: HELEN FROMME-SCHEDLER c. Lied des Sommers: WOMEN'S CHORUS d. Der Menschen Sang: MIXED CHORUS The West Coast National Bank of Portland presents its compliments with this program German is spoken at the West Coast National Bank for the convenience of some of our customers. You will like our complete banking facilities and the courteous service with which all transactions, both large and small, are handled. Commercial Business Savings Accounts Foreign and Domestic Exchange Trusts, Escrows, Estate Management Everything to take care of your financial needs The West Coast National Bank of Portland "In the Heart of the Financial District" Porter Building Sixth and Oak Streets Affiliated with West Coast Bancorporation Net Capital over $5,000,000.00 OTHER AFFILIATED BANKS Peninsula National Bank United States National Bank Portland, Oregon McMinnville, Oregon Citizens National Bank Bank of Mt. Angel Portland, Oregon Mt. Angel, Oregon Union State Bank First National Bank Portland, Oregon St. Helens, Oregon United States National Bank First National Bank Salem, Oregon Camas, Washington
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May 11, 1929
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