Roosevelt Memorial Meeting, Auditorium, Monday Evening, October 27, 1919


Program for the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Meeting held to honor President Roosevelt, who had died in January of 1919, on the date of his birth, October 27. The audience sang patriotic songs, "America" and "The Star Spangled Banner" as well as hymns, including Theodore Roosevelt's favorite, "How Firm a Foundation". There were introductory remarks, an invocation by clergyman the Rev. William T. McElveen, Ph.D., a flag ceremony for all with presentation by Portland Boy Scouts, and an address about Theodore Roosevelt by Henry E. McGinn. Additional music was provided by a Victory Chorus of 150 Portland young women and a vocal duet of two Portland women. Remarks were offered by the chairman of "The Roosevelt Memorial Association", and the program ended with a benediction by the Rev. Edward H. Pence.

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October 27, 1919



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