Germaine Schnitzer, Lincoln Auditorium, April 7, 1925


Concert program for the final concert of the Civic Music Club of Portland's 1924-1925 season, featuring Germaine Schnitzer, Parisian-born internationally famous pianist. She was assisted by Elizabeth Levy, violin, Mark Daniels, baritone and Mitylene Fraker Stites, contralto. The concert opened with Elizabeth Levy, accompanied by Mr. J. Hutchinson, playing a violin concerto by A. Vivaldi-T. Nachez. Mark Daniels followed, accompanied by Ruby Lloyd Brown, singing three songs. Mitylene Fraker Stites then sang three songs, accompanied by Helen Barlow Maris. Germaine Schnitzer performed for the remainder of the concert, playing works by Mendelssohn, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Weber, Victor Stoub and Liszt. Two of the works, a Chopin Etude and "Sous Bois" by Victor Stoub, were repeated by an Ampico piano after Ms. Schnitzer performed them. The Ampico piano was a reproducing piano which which was developed and became popular in the early part of the twentieth century, prior to World War II. Germaine Schnitzer was one pianist who, along with other notables such as Sergei Rachmaninoff, recorded for Ampico. Various piano concerts, of which this was one example, would include a live performance followed by an Ampico recorded rendition of the same work.

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April 7, 1925



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