Oregonian Concert Orchestra, Municipal Auditorium, January 4, 1925


Concert program for the Oregonian Concert Orchestra. The orchestra, conducted by Miss Marie A. S. Soule, with organist Frederick W. Goodrich, was made up of fifteen musicians playing violins, violoncello, flute, clarinets, cornets, harp, piano, tympani and Mr. Goodrich on organ. The orchestra played works by Mendelssohn, Nevin, Suppe and others. Mr. Goodrich played several organ solos. Gladys Foster and Robert Flack each played piano works. An ensemble of violoncello, flute, clarinet, harp and tympani played two works. This concert was one of a series of Sunday popular concerts presented by the City of Portland featuring various bands, choruses, singing societies, orchestras quartets, soloists, etc., from the Portland area. The musicians donated their performances, and proceeds collected from admission went to a fund for Portland's Public Auditorium.

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January 4, 1925



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