Charles Wakefield Cadman in joint recital with Princess Tsianina, Auditorium, January 26, [1923]


Concert program for joint recital of Charles Wakefield Cadman, American composer-pianist, and Princess Tsianina, Indian mezzo-soprano. Princess Tsianina was born in the Indian reservation territory of Oklahoma of Creek and Cherokee ancestors. Mr. Cadman considered himself an expert on American Indian music and composed music based on Native American melodies. He and Princess Tsianina alternated vocal and piano solo segments. Vocal selections included songs based on Zuni, Cheyenne, Omaha, Sioux and Ojibway melodies, composed by Cadman, Troyer, Lieurance, Logan and Burton. Mr. Cadman played some of his own compositions. He also exhibited an authentic Indian flageolet (woodwind instrument of the fipple flute (whistle flute) family), on which he played some Indian love songs, and gave a brief talk on Indian folksong. The recital ended with two arias from the opera Shanewis, composed by Cadman for Princess Tsianina. She was accompanied by Mr. Cadman on the piano.

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January 26, 1923



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