Concert program for a performance by the first all-male dance company in the United States, Ted Shawn and His Men Dancers. The program featured group dances as well as Shawn’s solos based on religious, native and folk figures.
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MASONIC TEMPLE Friday Evening, April 16th The Heilig Theatre Company PRESENTS TED SHAWN and His Ensemble of Men Dancers I T M Faturos | Green The Newest in MEN'S CLOTHES MIDDISHADE CLOTHES $37.50 SIXTH AT YAMHILL William B. McCurdy PRESENTS Two Superb Concerts * LAWRENCE TIBBETT BARITONE Wednesday, April 21 * NINO MARTINI TENOR Monday, May 10 Mail Orders Now! Paramount Theatre Box Office Seat Sale at The J. K. Gill Co. Week Before Concert TED SHAWN AND HIS ENSEMBLE OF MEN DANCERS Barton Mumaw, Frank Overlces, Wilbur McCormack, Dennis Landers, Fred Hearn, Foster Fitz-Simons, Frank Delmar, Horace Jones. JESS MEEKER, at the Piano PROGRAM I. PRIMITIVE RHYTHMS (Meeker) 1. Ponca Indian Dance........................Messrs. Overlees, Mumaw, Landers, McCormack and Hearn .y 2. Hopi Indian Eagle Dance.....................................................................................SHAWN 3. Sinhalese Devil Dance.................Messrs. Fitz-Simons, Delmar, Jones 4. Dayak Spear Dance..................................................................................Barton Mumaw 5. Maori War Haka..................................................SHAWN and Full Ensemble It is neither Shawn's desire nor intent to present "Authentic" native dances. These dances are his own free creations on native themes. 2-Minute Intermission. II. KINETIC MOLPAI (Meeker) SHAWN and Full Ensemble 1. Strife 6. Successions 2. Opposition I 7. Unfolding and Folding 3. Solvent 8. Dirge 4. Dynamic Contrasts 9. Limbo 5. Besilience 10. Surge 11. Apotheosis According- to Gilbert Murray, the Molpai was the ancient art form which included rhythmic movement, instrumental music, singing, poetry and drama. Strife, Love, Death and the Things Beyond Death constituted the subject matter of the ancient Molpai. "But in its essence it is only the yearning of the whole dumb body to express that emotion for which words and harps, and singing are not enough. Out of the old Molpai have come the separate arts of Drama, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Poetry and the Da,nce. But it is still left to the Dance today—the present-day kinetic outgrowth of the ancient Molpai—to express through kinetic values alone, those levels of consciousness which are beyond the power of the other arts. 10-Minute Intermission Picture the World Vividly . . . Excitingly! PHOTOS in ROTO Eight Page Section of Pictures in Rotogravure is a regular, exclusive feature of— The SUNDAY JOURNAL PROGRAM—Continued III. FOLK AND ART THEMES (Play and Labor) 1. Danza Afro-Cuban a (Lecuona).....................................................................SHAWN 2. Cutting the Sugar Cane (Lecuona)........Messrs. Mumaw, Overlees, McCormack and Landers 3. Los Embozandos (Albeniz).....................SHAWN, Hearn, Fitz-Simons Delmar, Jones Upon the rhythmic base of heel beats, Los Embozados (The Cloaked Ones) work out a melodramatic story of murder plot, lots drawn and death. s 4. Pierrot in the Dead City (Korngold).................................Barton Mumaw 5. A Dreier Lithograph (Meeker)..................Messrs. Hearn, McCormack, Landers, Delmar, Overlees and Fitz-Simons Inspired by one of Katherine S. Dreier's forty abstract variations. (Reproduction of this Lithograph will be found in the Souvenir Program.) 6. Mouvement Naif (Meeker).................................................................................SHAWN 7. Dance of the Dynamo (Meeker)...................................................Full Ensemble Prom Shawn's "Labor Symphony." 2-Minute Intermission. D7. BELIGIOUS DANCES 1. The Mevlevi Dervish (Fuleihan)..................................................................SHAWN 2. (a) Brother Bernard, Brother Lawrence, Brother Masseo Three Varieties of Religious Experience (Respighi)........................ Messrs. Hearn, Landers, Fitz-Simons (b) A Study of St. Francis of Assis£ (Respighi).....................SHAWN 3. The Dance of the Redeemed (Ganne).................................Full Ensemble 4. Three Negro Spirituals: (a) Nobody Knows de Trouble I've Seen.........................................SHAWN (b) Go Down Moses SHAWN, Overlees, McCormack, Landers '(c) Swing Low, Sweet Chariot SHAWN and Ensemble of Six All dances created and taught by Mr. Shawn. Training Camp and Summer School of Shawn and Dancers: P.O. Box 87, Lee, Mass. Exclusive Management: The Horner Bureau, Inc., 3000 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Mrs. Samuel F. Owen VOICE Teacher of MONA POULEE San Francisco Opera Co. LOUISE MERRILL, Soloist American Church, Paris CLARA RIEMAN, Soloist Messiah Studio ' ' ' - 611 Maegly-Tichner Building Phones BEacon 0780—Oswego 243 Thelma Layton School of Dancing Ballet^Ballroom^Tap 1113 S. W. Yamhill Street Phone BEacon 3309 Portland, Oregon All Portland is Talking About the Jolliest Spot in Town The Jolly Joan Broadway and Washington Restaurant ALWAYS OPEN A happy spot That once is known Is ne'er forgot— The Jolly Joan. 'Tis spotless clean In blue and white, With food so keen That's served just right. FRANKLIN PRINTING CO.
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April 16, 1937
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