- Still Image
Spoken word by...
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Pan African Fes...
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Victor Hooker
- Still Image
Violet Hooker
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Knott Street bo...
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Solae's Lo...
- Text
Downtown Portla...
- Text
Article from Uj...
- Still Image
Reflections Cof...
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Annual Art Show...
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- Still Image
Debutante Ball
Our Story is a celebration of Black life in Oregon. Through the theme of Arts & Culture we will show how African Americans in Oregon expressed themselves through music, poetry, dance, fashion, photography & painting, enriching Our Story in the process.
Most of the items in this collection are under copyright. Multnomah County Library is not the copyright holder for items in this collection. The library has attempted to identify and make contact with copyright holders when possible. Information about copyright for particular items can be found in the “Rights & Usage” field of each item.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. It is the responsibility of any users of this digital collection to determine whether their intended use of an item is acceptable under copyright law.
If you are the copyright holder for an item on this website that is not properly identified or that you believe should be removed, please contact us. When contacting us about an item in this collection, please include the identifier for the item (e.g., PUpic_000201).