The photograph shows the Portland Symphony Orchestra onstage in a semi-circular formation, facing the conductor who stands on a small central dais. In the background there is a stage flat painted to resemble the interior wall and stained glass windows of an old church. In the foreground, below the stage, some larger musical instruments stand unused.
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Is Referenced By
City of Portland Benefit Concert and Ballet, Multnomah Civic Stadium, September 9, 1935
The Messiah presented by a chorus of church choirs, Municipal Auditorium, December 30, 1934
Neah-Kah-Nie String Quartet, Neighbors of Woodcraft Auditorium, January 4, 1932
Mary Garden, Public Auditorium, December 21, 1934
San Francisco Opera Ballet, Civic Auditorium, November 26, 1938
Portland Music Festival, Municipal Auditorium, June 6, 1918
Symphony-Ballet Concert, Municipal Auditorium, December 15, 1936
- JWpic_000055
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