- Text
The Voice of Va...
- Still Image
Children at the...
- Text
The Voice of Va...
- Moving Image
House of Sound
- Still Image
Hot comb hair p...
- Still Image
Lauren Washingt...
- Still Image
Rose Festival f...
- Text
Interview with...
- Still Image
Woodlawn neighb...
- Still Image
Culture Club
- Still Image
Removing the cu...
- Still Image
Our Story is a celebration of Black life in Oregon. Through the theme of Building Community, we will cover how civic organizations, social clubs, Black churches, family, and extended family contribute to Our Story.
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The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. It is the responsibility of any users of this digital collection to determine whether their intended use of an item is acceptable under copyright law.
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