Concert program for the second annual musical festival. The festival included performances by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Portland Festival Chorus. Soloists included soprano Aida Hemmi, pianist Myrtle Elvyn and violinist Guy Woodard.
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Programme Second Annual Musical Festival PORTLAND, OREGON. April 30th, May 1st and 2nd, 1909 CHICAGO SYMPHONY PORTLAND FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA. CHORUS. Adolph Rosenbecker, Conductor. W. H. BOYER, Conductor. Orchestra Tour Direction Chas. Beach. Festival Under Direction Hei lig Theater Management. METROPOLITAN PT9. CO. 147 FRONT ST. PORTLAND. routledge seed & floral company. Have You a Beautiful Yard There is nothing that gives more real enjoyment than a nice yard, beautiful flowers, vines and shrubs. They make life happier, improve your home, and beautify your city. Let Us Suggest Programme FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 30, '09 chicago SYMPHONY orchestra, ADOLPH ROSENBBCKER, CONDUCTOR SOLOISTS. Aida Hemmi ........................Soprano Myrtle Elvyn .........................Pianist Guy Woodard .......................Violinist We have expert men who know how to plan a garden, who know what flowers and plants will do for special purposes. They will gladly give you any information you want". We will plant your window or porch boxes for the Summer, or make that Geranium, Salvia, or Canna bed. WE HAVE 10,000 FLOWERING PLANTS AND BULBS now ready for you. Call, see us, or phone for our salesman. 'highest quality" seeds and plants for lar planters" 'particu- Everything for the Garden. Routledge Seed & Floral Co. PHONE A 3811 169 second st., bet. morrison and yamhill Gray Motor Co. SIX HORSE-POWER ENGINES $106.00 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Mow is the time to get your Boat equipped with one or these famous Engines. See me before you buy. (from 3 to 40 H. P.) P. A. BRICKELL, REP. 030 Clinton Street Phone S'ellwood 736 LADIES, NOTICE ! Bring us your last year's Merry Widow Hats. We Clean and Reblock them into the new shapes. PARIS HAT WORKS PROGRAM—Continued | Overture to Tannihauser (by request)..................Wagner 1 Symphony No. 5 in C Minor.........................Beethoven Aria from Der Freischutz..............................Weber Miss Hemmi PART II. 4. Concerto in A minor for piano and orchestra............Grieg Miss Elvyn. 5. (a) Barcarolle.....................................Offenbach (b) Preludes...................................Rachmaninoff (c) Witches Dance ................................MacDowell (Orchestrated by Mr. Rosenbecker.) One of Portland's show places— S'wetland's New Sweet Shop._ Hear the Fonotipia Records constituting a magnificent collection of the world's wonderful voices Bonci, Russ, Sammareo, An- selmi, Zenatello. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 371 Washington Street H. A. WEBBER MANDOLIN, VIOLIN, GUITAR AND S. E. WEBBER BANJO INSTRUCTION Agents for the Gibson Mandolins and Guitars. Phone, Main 2088. Studio, 489'1/2 Washington St. Phone A 1699 Mrs. Van Gorder & Son DELICATESSEN AND BAKERY Home Cooking and Baking. Salads a specialty. The largest steam table in the city. Lunches put up for picnics and travelers. 466 WASHINGTON STREET Portland, Oregon PARISETTE AND REDFERN CORSETS. Correct Corset for Directoire and Empire Gowns. A Model for Every Form. MME. M. V. ZEITFUCHS 386 Washington Street, (Selling-Hirsch Bldg.) WE AIM TO FILL YOUR DRUG WANTS BEST Laue-Davis Drug Company PORTLAND, OREGON PHONE US YOUR ORDEHS Second Street, between Alder and Morrison A boost for the Greater Portland— Shetland's New Sweet Shop. Millinery that is reasonable at prices that are reasonable. We sell the best .$5 Hat in America. Have you seen if.' Swetland's New Sweet Shop. PROGRAM—Continued .Dalcrose Concerto for Violin and Orcnestra............... Mr. Woodard. March and Chorus from Tannhauser, "Hail Bright Abode"____ ..................................................... Wagner Combined Chorus and Orchestra. (Kimball Piano Used.) SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 1, 09. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Adolph Rosenbeeker, Conductor. CHORUS William H. Boyer..............Conductor SOLOISTS. Harriet Frahm.....................Contralto David, B. Duggan.......\................Tenor Franz Wagner.........■...............'Cellist The Store Beautiful— Swetland's Slew Sweet Shop. 1 A place to entertain friends— _Swetland's New Sweet Shop Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda We serve the best Ice Cream in the city. We are the people in hot weather. Candies Just appointed agents for I FULLER GREENE CO.'.S CHOCOLATE ™ of Boston, Mass. Nothing in the city to equal these goods. (Arrive about June 1st) Get Them at MILLER ' S (Successor to Gordon 145 THIRD STREET Ringler's Natitorium Now Open for Ladies and Gentlemen Expert Instruction to Beginners SWIMMING 25c—LESSONS 50c Finest Swimming Bath in the City —20x60 feet. Running Bull Run Water. 388^ E. Morrison Street CORNER GRAND AVENUE Both Phones—B 1003, East 5670 Special Notice The Standard Jewelry Store has moved to its new quarters, 141 ya Third Street, near Alder. We have enlarged our stock so that we can supply you with anything in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. week will 6o~$l PROGRAM—Continued 1. Overture to Midsummer Night's Dream............Mendelssohn 2. Kol Nidrei ............................................Bruch Mr. Wagner. 3. Dance Macabre ...................................Saint-Saens 4. Aria from Pagliacci...............................Leoncavallo Mr. Duggan. 5. Two Hungarian Dances...............................Brahms 6. Aria from Nadeschda.................................Thomas Miss Frahm. 7. (a) Last Dream of the Virgin.......................Massanet (b) Salut d'Amour .....................................Elgar (c) Traumerei ....................................Schumann 8. Sanctus from St. Cecelia Mass........................Gounod Combined Chorus and Orchestra. (Kimball Piano Used.) SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 1, '09. PORTLAND CHORUS. William H. Boyer..................Conductor CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Adolph Rosenbeeker, Conductor. We will sell you anything in our store on credit, and you wear the goods while paying for them. You pay a little down and one dollar a week: Stait6ar& Uewelr? Store 141 % THIRD STREET, NEAR ALDER Music Hath Charms But if you were to step into the operating rooms of the Rex Dental Parlors you would see the most modern and sanitary equipped office in this city. Only Graduate Dentists. Polite attendants We make every effort to please you. Open Evenings and Sundays. Phone Main 4823 Grand Theater Building Rex Dental Parlors nR n v hatfield, mg. REDD & BATES—Prescription Pharmacists, 404 Washington St., cor. 15th. We assure quick delivery. Both phones. PROGRAM—Continued SOLOISTS Aida Hemmi ........................Soprano Harriet Frahm .....................Contralto David B. Duggan.......................Tenor Frank A. Preisch.......................Basso "THE GOLDEN LEGEND'.......i........................Sullivan Combined Chorus and Orchestra, Mrs. W. E. Thomas at Pipe Organ. Kimball Pipe Organ donated by Eilers Piano House SUNDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 2, '09. PORTLAND CHORUS. William H. Boyer..................Conductor CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Adolph Rosenbeeker, Conductor. SOLOISTS. Aida Hemmi ........................Soprano Harriet Frahm ........1.............Contralto David B. Duggan.......................Tenor Frank A. Preisch.......................Basso 1. Vorspeil Meistersinger ...............................Wagner 2. Aria Evening Star....................................Wagner Mr. Preisch. 3. Tonbilder from Walkure..............................Wagner 4. Dich Theure Holle....................................Wagner Miss Hemmi. The talk of the town— Swetland's New Sweet Shop._ Hazelwood Chocolates and Bon Bons The Cream Store 88 90 Washington St. The Kimball Piano Used, by Myrtle Ehyn During this Festival HAS BEEN ENDORSED BY MANY OTHER WORLD FAMOUS ARTISTS ADBLINA PATTI, EMMA CALVE, LILLIAN NOR-DICA. JOHANNA GADSKI, G. GAMPANAR1, LU-IZA TETTRAZZINI, EMIL FISCHER, JENE DE rejjske, and a score of others equally as well known, have placed themselves on record as being entirely satisfied with the KIMBALL PIANO PROGRAM—Continued PART II. Holy City ..................................................Gaul Combined Chorus and Orchestra, Mrs. W. E. Thomas at Pipe Organ. Kimball Pipe Organ donated by Eilers Piano House SUNDAY NIGHT, MAY 2, '00 (ITALIAN NIGHT). PORTLAND CHORUS. William H. Boyer..................Conductor CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Adolph Rosenbeeker, Conductor. SOLOISTS. Aida Hemmi ........................Soprano Harriet Frahm .....................Contralto David B. Duggan.......................Tenor Frank A. Preisch.......................Basso 1. Overture to Merry Wives of Windsor...................Nicolai 2. Prologue to Pagliacci.............................Leoncavallo Mr. Preisch. 3. Ballet Music from Giaconda........................Ponchielli 4. Aria Celeste Aida......................................Verdi Mr. Duggan. 5. Hymn and March from Aida....-.......................Verdi PART II. Stabat Mater............................................Rossini Combined Chorus and Orchestra. (Kimball Piano Used.) Over 190,000 Kimball Pianos are now in daily use in as many homes throughout the land. What better test of their superior qualities could be asked. For sale only at EILERS' PIANO HOUSE 353 WASHINGTON STREET
- 8 pages
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- XXtxt_000018
April 30, 1909
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